ehelse og helseteknologi

6 Europeiske land går sammen om å anbefale Continua


I juni 2016 gikk Helsedepartementene fra 6 europeiske land, Østerrike, Spania, Danmark, Finland, Sverige og Norge sammen om å anbefale at løsninger innen personlig helseteknologi og telehelse (velferdsteknologi) måtte bygges på ledende åpne rammeverk for å sikre interoperabilitet.


• Continua Guidelines: On the side of personal health devices and solutions, the Continua Guidelines provide the leading open framework for many technical interoperability aspects of personal connected health. Our countries and regions have either already publicly expressed a commitment to Continua, or are considering to do so. We are aware of Continua’s continuing struggle to become universally adopted, yet we know that without a strong demand push from the public sector, the market may remain stuck.

• Support for interoperability: We recognise that we need an end-to-end interoperability framework based on international standards for integrating personal connected health with our systems. The Continua Guidelines provides many key elements for such a framework. Those of us who have advanced on adoption have been implementing ancillary measures including support and testing infrastructure, promotion of the market for interoperable devices, and engagement with vendors to preview our procurement plans and timelines. This list is not exhaustive and we plan to document these and other lessons, and share them with interested parties in Europe and beyond.